Here is the Web of Change!
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The Web of Change: Created by Jon & Laura Gilbert (2019)
What is the Web of Change?
The Web of Change is a visual representation of the EIGHT core lifestyle choices that helped move us towards a more ecological, humanitarian and compassionate way of living. Behind each icon, you can find our friendly characters waiting to share lots of helpful information on actioning these lifestyle changes. The resources include topic summaries, recommended films, books, talks, plant-based recipes, useful links & apps and much more!
Each lifestyle change is often talked about as an entirely separate subject, yet we feel strongly that the impact of change so urgently needed, will be greatest when we view our behaviours holistically. Similar to an ecosystem where the elements support each other as one interconnected web.
Underlying the eight core lifestyle changes is the essential need for us to awaken our innate connection with life forms other than our own species and to reconnect with nature. Only once we have learnt to respect nature and the planet's natural "resources" (nature's gifts) can we really begin to heal the wounds that human activity has and continues to inflict on the natural world.
Personal vs. systematic change
Waiting for systematic change, which also needs to happen no doubt, should not be an excuse for not changing our own personal behaviours right now, as we have a much greater influence over these in the short term. The more people change their everyday habits, the more the demand for systematic change grows. By changing our habits we shift our purchasing and voting powers to more sustainable and ethical alternatives. This is demonstrated by many examples, for instance: the increase in vegan food options, the availability of electric vehicles and charging stations, the emergence of more packaging free-bulk shops and so on.
It is individuals (not governments or corporations) like Greta Thunberg and the people behind Extinction Rebellion, that started the inspirational wave of climate crisis activism, which is spreading like wildfire all over the world. Documentaries such as Before the Flood and compelling scientific reports including the IPCC report, Living Planet report and the recently published UN-backed IPBES report make it clear cut, that due to the climate crisis and unprecedented species extinction rates, we must ALL act now, individually and collectively!
The different stages of behavioural change
Changing everyday behaviours usually takes time as we pass through different stages during the process. We found the "stages of behavioural change model" illustrated below to be a useful guide for becoming aware of where we are on our personal transition journey. This model can be applied to any mindset, habit or lifestyle change, for example, rethinking our connection with the natural world, moving towards a plant-based diet or reducing our household waste.
We like to keep in mind the phrase "progress not perfection". With each step, we can focus on the incredible positive impacts that our gradual changes can collectively make. We can draw much inspiration from the unstoppable movement of change that is currently happening all over the world, towards a greener and more compassionate planet. The world is ready for systematic change and there is no stopping it now!

I don't need to change!
I want to change but not quite yet
I'm ready to change, where do I start?
I'm doing it right now!
I made the change & I'm sticking to it!

Adapted from: "Stages of change model" by Prochaska & Diclemente (1983)